My Top Secret Earning Sites and Resources- Revealed!

385 comments Posted by Unknown at 5:45 AM

In order to earn cash online and to have a passive income by your side, you don’t just need a computer with an internet connection, but a proper list of reliable and trustworthy resources and sites.

Like you all, I also had start earning my online passive income from scratch. I had no idea where I should start from or which site should join in order to get results that I wanted ( very badly). During my journey, I had come across many ups and downs, had become victim of many scam sites and even earned thousands of dollars (thanks to my reliable resources and sites)

Moreover, I had gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the reliable and proper way of earning cash online and having a consistent online passive income by your side.

I’ve been getting emails from my readers about the methods and sites I use to earn cash online and make living out of it. As you all know how much I love my readers, so
in this post, I will be revealing all my secret resources and sites, from which I earn thousands of dollars each month.

Some of the sites mentioned below contains my referral link and I am an affiliate of some of the resources. So I will be referred as the person who recommended you to their site (which I really did) and will be paid some bonus, without effecting any of your earning or the prices. However, I use all of these resources  and they are my most reliable sources of online passive income.

Online Payment and Transactions System

PayPal is  the most popular and reliable way to carryout money transactions online. It is available in 190 countries and supports many business and sites worldwide. I use PayPal for most of my outsourcing works and I feel very secure transferring my money through it.

Alert Pay
Alert Pay is also an online money transaction site same as PayPal. It is also one of the most popular, reliable and secure online money transaction site. But the main reason I use it is due to the fact that, some of the sites,which  I use it for my online passive income, doesn’t support PayPal. In short, it is my backup option.

Blogging Platform is owned and supported by Google. It provides free as well as custom hosting services. Moreover, it is very easy to use and manage your blog with It is the best choice for beginners and newbie bloggers to get familiar with the blog running process.

Wordpress is also a popular blogging platform, but unlike, it is very difficult to use and with many unknown systems. In spite of this, Wordpress is growing at a great rate and getting very popular in the blogosphere. I am personally thinking of transferring my 2 Earn Cash-Online Blog from blogger to a self hosted Wordpress blog.


Sometimes search engine optimization and word-of-mouth advertising only takes you so far (especially when you’re starting out).  Here are some advertising resources I’ve used, and strongly recommend.

Google AdWords

You’re probably familiar with this one, as it’s the most prevalent form of advertising on the internet today.  Build an ad for your website, and gain exposure on not only Google’s search results, but also the millions of websites that display Google ads through their AdSense service.

7 Search

This is a much lesser known advertising platform that shows your ads similar to Google Adwords, except that they’re displayed on some of the lesser known search engines.  I’ve used this before, and the best thing about it is that you can bid on competitive keywords for a fraction of what it costs at Google Adwords.  This will never be your only means of advertising, but it’s a great one to add to your list of advertising platforms.


You’re well aware of Facebook as a social networking platform, but did you know that it’s one of the best places to advertise?  The primary benefit of advertising with Facebook is that you can have laser-targeted ads due to the fact that Facebook will let you target very specific people (remember, Facebook has a TON of information about its users).

Free Traffic Generating And Marketing Resources


It is a great place for networking with other bloggers of similar niche and marketing your blog or website for greater exposure, absolutely free. I had my first 1000 visitors from EntreCard alone and it still brings new visitor to my blog daily.


This is another very popular and rapidly growing site in the blogosphere. YouSayToo is a huge platform for bloggers to create and expand their own community or find new people and form a mastermind group. I basically used it to spread my words, to a wider range of  people and attract more and more visitors to my blog, and do you know what, it worked.


MyBlogGuest is a community filled with guest bloggers and publishers. Thousands of guest bloggers publish their unique content on various topics on  the article gallery, where publishers select the suitable post for their site and sends an offer to the guest blogger.
It benefits both the guest bloggers and the publishers. Guest bloggers can build their brand, grow their network, build quality back links and get exposer to new range of audience, and publishers get free exclusive content,  targeted traffic and can build their network.
I use MyBlogGuest being both, a publisher and a guest blogger. It has help me a lot in getting exposer and building my brand successfully. I hope it does the same for you too.


LinkReferral is a traffic exchange program which you can join for free. The site ranks websites in a directory with over 250,000 members. Members can earn credit by participating in the forum, visiting sites, and also reviewing other sites. Participating also increases your site’s ranking in the LinkReferral Directory, bringing you more traffic and visibility.

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Want To Earn Cash Online on These Top Freelancing Sites?

166 comments Posted by Unknown at 4:11 AM

Now a days, work from home is popularizing very fast. Most of the people are daily searching about online jobs to earn some extra money, in this most of the people are students, house wives and others are skilled professionals. Most of the people are seriously working on it. The top is made using following criteria: prices, membership, interface, usability and number of daily listed projects. Even you are a freelancer looking to be hired or a buyer looking to outsource some projects, this list can help you in choosing the right services. So, here are the  list of best top freelance websites.


One of the first freelance websites from world wide web and is an online job marketplace that provides a means for employers and freelancer around the globe to collaborate for mutual benefit. Individuals or businesses in need of skilled help for short or long-term projects can post those projects and allow freelancers to submit bids for the completion of the work. At this moment have over 1,008,218 registered users.

No monthly fees for basic membership and the number of bids included depend on how old is your account. The gold membership cost 12$ per month and provide no commissions taken on projects and. Fees: service buyers pay the greater of 3% of the project or $3 and service providers pay the greater of 10% of the project or $5.

For withdraw, you can chose between following services: payoneer card (card is released by request), PayPal, Moneybookers and wire transfer.

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7 Ways To Earn Cash Online for College Student

167 comments Posted by Unknown at 3:44 AM

get-paid-to-reviewI received an email the other day from a College Student wanting to know how they could find some quick ways to make money online. The email stated they didn’t have a lot of time because of their studies. So after giving it some thought, I came up with a list of 7 quick ways college students to make money online.
I dismissed blogging in general because it takes some time to learn how to make money fast(the exception is local websites and blogs, see below). I assumed the emailer needed to find ways to make money fast.
Here are my suggestions to the emailer.

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Earn Cash Online By Blogging With SponsoredReviews

172 comments Posted by Unknown at 11:12 PM

There are several ways you can earn from your blog. You can earn from those advertisements, affiliate programs and blog reviews. Talking about blog reviews, one interesting site that bloggers might want to join would be SponsoredReviews. The following are important information regarding this site:

What is SponsoredReviews?

A site which gives opportunities to bloggers  to get in touch with advertisers, marketers and SEO's. There are corresponding amount of money for each approved post. You should take extra careful in following the required task by the advertisers. If you could not follow those requirements, your reviews would be rejected. Of course, you do not want that to happen especially when you are still building up yourself in the blogging review business.

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Earn Cash Online With Craigslist

107 comments Posted by Unknown at 1:15 AM

In 1995, Craig Newmark started a small, innocuous email distribution list to help his friends connect with one another. What began as a friendly, supportive group of individuals quickly turned into what today is the 7th most popular website in the world. Craigslist is the largest classified service available. Over 20 billion people take advantage of this free service daily for all manners of incongruous things– arranging romantic encounters, finding jobs, ranting about politics or even making money. If you are looking to supplement your income from home and have exhausted other options, you may be surprised to know there is significant money to be made on the site.

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Proper Use of Keyword and Phrase To Earn Cash Online with Google AdSense

84 comments Posted by Unknown at 11:43 PM

Many marketers are trying to figure out how to make money with AdSense. Yet most of them struggle with it. Why? One major reason that almost all people who try to make money with AdSense is that they do not do adequate keyword research and subsequently either choose the wrong keyword phrases to target or don’t target any keywords at all. Following this path is the fastest route to frustration and small profits. On the other hand, by taking the time to choose “good” keyword phrases, you will get more clicks on your AdSense ads. Not only that, but the average price that you’ll make on those clicks will be 10 to 20 times higher.

Is keyword research really that important to making money with AdSense? Absolutely! You simply won’t find success with AdSense if you create content and articles that are about broad, random topics in your niche. To make money with AdSense, you have to use laser-focus when it comes to keyword phrase selection.

The Top Three Characteristics To Look For In Keyword Phrases To Target:

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How To Earn Cash Online with Google AdSense

326 comments Posted by Unknown at 6:12 PM

For most bloggers, Google Adsense is the first and easiest way to start making money online. But reports of how much money you can actually make with it vary widely across the board. While popular bloggers have had a great deal of success with it, smaller blogs often find  adsense to be frustratingly limited. This discrepancy has been perpetuated to the point that many bloggers now believe that to make money with AdSense , you need to have a lot of traffic.
While that’s not exactly wrong; your site’s traffic has a great impact on how much you can earn from it; it’s not the whole truth either. Most importantly, you should not give up on AdSense because of this, because, as famous bloggers themselves have proven: when it works, it works like a charm!
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